Job Postings

Rear back behind view of brunet guy

At DataTrends, our Core Value is to deliver Exceptional Person-Centered Expertise in IT. What this means: our clients know our team members by name and building rapport is just as…

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Ty Branscum

Ty BranscumSr. Systems Engineer Ty joined our team as an intern from 2014 to 2017. After graduating from Auburn University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration…

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Stuart Allen

Stuart AllenSr. Systems Engineer Stuart Allen is one of our Senior System Engineers and has been a valuable team asset since 2012. Prior to joining DataTrends, Stuart was working for…

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Sheli Dunn

Sheli DunnOffice Manager Sheli joined DataTrends in 2006. She brings over 20 years of experience in IT and management. She is responsible for overseeing the administrative functions in the office,…

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Zack Collins

Zack CollinsJunior Engineer Finishing his senior year at Kennesaw State University, Zack is specializing in Cybersecurity and Software Engineering. He is certified in O365, WatchGuard, and Azure. Prior to joining…

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Marc Velez

Marc VelezPurchasing Manager Marc has been a valuable member of the DataTrends team since 2011. He is our Purchasing Manager and manages all of our client’s licensing and sales. He…

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Kiana Dunn

DataTrends technology

Kiana DunnMarketing Manager Kiana was brought in to spearhead the Marketing Department in March of 2020. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Clemson University in Language and International Trade in…

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Brian McNutt

Brian McNuttSr. Systems Engineer Brian is a Senior Systems Engineer with 20+ years of IT experience. He has been with DataTrends since 1998 and is a graduate of Georgia Tech.…

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Andrew Dunn

Andrew DunnSr. Systems Engineer Andrew started with DataTrends in 2011 as an intern and has since been promoted to Sr. Systems Engineer. After graduating from Kennesaw State University in Finance…

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Patrick O’Krongly

Patrick O’KronglyCIO/VP Patrick has over ten years of experience in the IT field. Patrick previously headed up an IT team with over 100 clients in the Southeast and Central region…

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